Our Tax ID. Number:

EIN 81-4290833

Our Charitable Solicitation number:


You can help!

MMAD accepts financial donations made by PayPal through the form below.

We also accept “in kind” donations of materials and labor for many different types of home and automotive repair projects (click here to donate your services or materials.

100% of all financial donations are used to fund MMAD projects for those in need.  MMAD has no employees, no offices, no ongoing financial obligations other than maintaining its bank account, website and keeping its 501(c)3 status current.  When you make a donation to MMAD, you know that your funds are going to those in need!

MMAD accepts cash and in-kind contributions of construction and home materials, labor, professional services (legal, accounting, computer, marketing, PR, etc.).  Donations may be made to MMAD, 1401 Moray Court, Park City, Utah 84060.  Please contact John Flanders, 435.513.1328 or by email at [email protected] to arrange in-kind contributions or for any additional information.

One-time and ongoing credit card donation may be made via the form below.

Primary Donation Form

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Log In to Your Account (optional)

Donation Total: $50.00